IFRAME properties???

Hi Everyone!

Do I have any way to show the icons from a folder like a list view by default? any property to change?


<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> language?

ClASP (Classic ASP) or .NET?

If you have a bunch of .ico files I'm not sure you can use them as a source for a <img> - I've never tried it.

You can, however, convert all those images to .bmp just by changing the file type then it's definitely doable.
All ICO's really are are 16 X 16 .bmp's that the operating system knows to display as, basically, a thumbnail at all times.I`m using ASPI`m using ASP, the users have Win2003 and Win XP

When I applied IFRAME it show the files as a HOLE to a folder... i.e. c:\user_data. If you go using the Windows Explorer to unit C:/, folder USER_DATA, you could see the folder in 4 differents views... mosaic, list, details, etc... do I have any way to controls this views using HTML or ASP?

Thanks for your help Mr Reagan!

JJYour users are using a server enviroment to view your site??server enviroment? ones they connect to the Internet, a web page on the DESKTOP appears (no icons, no application, nothing!)... just Start Up the Internet Web Browser and star the intranet... That it!Windows 2003 is a server only. There are no client editions like that of XP.

Windows 2003's focus was not only .net but to improve on security of the server itself. More reilable webserver. Now as a POP3 Server. and a few other things.