iframe background color


Hi,<br />
I have spent days searching for an answer to my problem and tried many "solutions", none of which worked. <br />
I have an iframe in my page. Only images are shown in the iframe, no html pages. I cannot get the background around these images anything other than the default white. I have tried changing cell and table bg colors, css, everything. No luck. Here is the page <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.members.shaw.ca/twomuch/gallery.html">http://www.members.shaw.ca/twomuch/gallery.html</a><!-- m --> Thanks.<!--content-->I think you are going to have to put your images on to an HTML page rather than linking directly to them. That way you have control over the background color, etc. I don't see any other way around it.<!--content-->Thanks Goldilocks. I had thought of that before, but I was hoping there was a simpler way to do it. Guess not. Thanks again.<!--content-->if you don't use html how are you getting the image to show up? are you just linking the src of the iframe to the image?<!--content-->Yes, I was justing pointing the eource to the jpg. And for the links that appeared in the iframe, they were just links to jpg's with target=iframe.<!--content-->well there you go, goldi is correct. no simpler way as it can only be done it html. but you can do it on your pc, it loads a default color from your pc and you can change that in display properties, but will only be you and no one else as it is local.<!--content-->Thanks to both of you for your assistance.<!--content-->