Iframe and Image


Hi There.<br />
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I have 2 simple questionsL<br />
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1. If I define with and height to an image it'll upload faster?<br />
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2. Does iframe is a tag that supported by the:<br />
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"><br />
What browsers versions support Iframe (IE 4,5,6)?<br />
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Thanks a lot guys<!--content-->Originally posted by weee <br />
Hi There.<br />
<br />
I have 2 simple questionsL<br />
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1. If I define with and height to an image it'll upload faster?<br />
<br />
2. Does iframe is a tag that supported by the:<br />
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"><br />
What browsers versions support Iframe (IE 4,5,6)?<br />
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Thanks a lot guys <br />
1. I dont believe so but i would recommend that you include them.<br />
2. Iframes are supported in HTML 4.01, and I believe that they are supported in most browsers.<!--content-->Originally posted by soccer362001 <br />
1. I dont believe so but i would recommend that you include them.<br />
2. Iframes are supported in HTML 4.01, and I believe that they are supported in most browsers. But if using an iframe it is best to use a loose (trnasitional) doctype. The target attribute will not be valid html 4.01 strict so I try to keep it transitional. There is a work around for target onclick="target='name'" but I would just assume stay away from strict with a frame.<!--content-->Thanks<!--content-->