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i am trying to set the following conditional statement in an asp response page.Although it doesnt give me any error, it always displays login2.asp, instead of the message 'hola' when someone clicks on the Spain link. Could someone give me a hand? please <BR><BR>page 1: <BR><td><a href="frameREG.htm?country="England">English</a></td> <BR><td><a href="frameREG.htm?country="Spain">Spanish</a></td> <BR><BR>page 2: response page <BR><BR><BR><% <BR>Dim country <BR>country = request.querystring("country") <BR><BR>If country = "Spain" Then <BR>Response.Write "hola" <BR>Else <BR>Response.Redirect "login2.asp" <BR>End If <BR>%>Your link Change<BR><BR><td><a href="frameREG.asp?country="England">English</a></td> <BR><td><a href="frameREG.asp?country="Spain">Spanish</a></td>Change your links to:<BR><BR><a href="frameREG.htm?country=England">English</a><BR><a href="frameREG.htm?country=Spain">Spanish</a><BR><BR>HTML interpreted your quotes around the country as ending the href value of the <a> tag so it only linked to frameREG.htm?country=<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>