If back-ground colour changes, update database


New Member
I am working with a colour palette where a user is presented with several colours.When a user clicks on a specific colour they have the option to change it in a new child window and when they do the new colour is passed through to the parent form-Child Window \[code\]function reply_click(clicked_id){alert(clicked_id);window.opener.document.getElementById("quack").innerHTML = clicked_id;window.opener.document.getElementById("quack").style.background = clicked_id;window.close ();}\[/code\]Parent Window\[code\]<tr><td id="quack" onclick="myFunction()" style="background-color:<%=(rs("Name") )%>"><%=(rs("Name") )%> </td></tr>\[/code\]How in \[code\]ASP\[/code\] if the backgound-colour changes of this specifc box can I send the new value to the database to update it?So if \[code\]background-color\[/code\] changes where \[code\]id = quack\[/code\] execute SQL?