if anyone cares for a challenge


New Member
ok Im tring to copy (yes copy) a form based authentication page here is the code:<BR>http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;Q308157&ID=KB;EN-US;Q308157<BR><BR>The problem I am having is that in the default.aspx.vb page Im getting the error:<BR>error BC30451: Name 'FormsAuthentication' is not declared.<BR><BR>Now, when I change the Public Class name to the same as the class name on logon.aspx.vb the error goes away but obviously I cant have both using the same name. <BR><BR>If anyone cares for a challenge, and wants to look at it... let me know what you find out. IM LOST!<BR>Add the reference to the namespace that contains the FormsAuthentication provider:<BR><BR> Imports System.Web.Security <BR><BR>Had a similar problem. You can also do the call System.Web.Security.Forms.Authentication.Redirect( ). That'll find it even if it's not referenced.Thaks A LOT guys