New Member
I've got an \[code\]ng-include\[/code\] and \[code\]ng-controller\[/code\] within an \[code\]ng-repeat\[/code\], and IE randomly craps itself when it sees the child instance object of the repeat:inside main.html\[code\]<section ng-repeat="panel in sidepanels"> <h2 class="twelve columns"> <span class="twelve"> <i class="icon {{panel.icon}}"></i> <!-- resolves properly --> {{panel.controller.name}} <!-- empty --> </span> </h2> <div ng-include src="'views/'+panel.controller.name.toLowerCase()+'.html'" ng-controller="panel.controller" ></div></section>\[/code\]inside controllers.js\[code\]$scope.sidepanels = [ { "controller": Alerts, "icon": "icon-warning-sign" }];\[/code\]Except instead of throwing an error in console, it just silently ignores the fact that it sometimes can't resolve \[code\]panel\[/code\]. I only noticed this was the case because I saw a failed GET on \[code\]views/.html\[/code\].I checked MSDN, and supposedly IE supports the \[code\]name\[/code\] property.