I have a joomla article that contain a form was createed using rsform componenthttp://www.kjetilhaugmo.no/videos/36-video-6use password: 'test' to see the contenteverything works as it suppose to work in all browsers but as you expected not in IE the strange thing is the form works on IE8 and IE7 but not in IE9I looked alot for the issue and found that the tag form does not appear in the generated code on IE9I already checked the code that responsible for creating the form and every thing is perfect\[code\]$formLayout = '<form method="post" '.$CSSId.$CSSClass.$CSSName.$CSSAdditionalAttributes.' enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'.RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape($u).'">'.$formLayout.'</form>';\[/code\]I'm out of solutionsany help please