New Member
I have a definition list that I want to display with label/definition pairs next to each other. The following code works correctly in all modern browsers. I'm trying to get it working in IE7 but the dd values are not respecting the previously cleared dt's. What else do I need to do to get them to stack like they do in chrome or ff.\[code\]<style type="text/css"> .label-value-list { } .label-value-list dt { float: left; clear: left; width: 100px; } .label-value-list dd { float: left; }</style><dl class="label-value-list"> <dt>First Label</dt> <dd>This is the first value</dd> <dt>Second Label</dt> <dd>I should be below the first value<br/>and I have two lines</dd> <dt>Third Label</dt> <dd>I should be below the second value</dd></dl>\[/code\]