I recently substituted the ALA vertical CSS navigation on my site <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.normandy-brittany-propertyshop.com">www.normandy-brittany-propertyshop.com</a><!-- w --> and after validating it ok I was informed that in IE6 (which I don't have) the content doesn't display until below the end of the navigation. Can anyone suggest a fix or IE hack for this.
My philosophy is to view in Mozilla, design to W3C standards and s*d what M$ makes of it, but this time IE has gone too far.
There are a few differences...(see attached)Ah, I see, IE6 appears to put the links where the content should be. I suspect it may be something to do with the box model bug.I think it may have something to do with your philosophy. You might want to abandon that pretty sharpish and preview your designs in multiple browsers as you work to save severe headaches.
No matter how much we may love Firefox and hate IE, the fact remains that a hell of a lot of people use it.
This is my take on your layout, more or less: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dxdec.com/wod/design/2col/">http://www.dxdec.com/wod/design/2col/</a><!-- m -->
Built from scratch keeping a close eye on it in both IE and Firefox, took a little while to iron out some kinks- such as it working fine in FF but the menu being invisible in IE. But I am pleased with the results.
I did not pay close attention to how yours works, but I used the main content areas left border to supply a column for the menu to sit in when the content is longer than the menu.
The actual code for the columns:
border-left:16em solid #CCC;
}WoD, I think that's essentially what I have, so maybe something else is affecting it.So what is different in IE6 when things are ok in IE5.5 ?I could not figure out a solution to the problem using your code, so I simply did a ground-up rebuild of the basic layout structure - which you can use if you want... if it works properly that is.WoD, my design was perfectly ok until I substituted the ALA <ul> navigation code to replace the gif buttons that I had previously. I was just hoping someone could point out what was causing the problem with the code I had, rather than start all over again.Try this: (IE5 displays differently off-line)#button li a {
display: block;/* makes effect full div width */
padding: 5px 0; text-align:center;
border-left: 10px solid #e66600;/* mouse out colours*/
border-right: 10px solid #fa0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #c30;/* between buttons */
color: #fff;
background: #ff7800;
text-decoration: none;
}Ah, now that's fixed it ok, thanks Fang, I appreciate your help.
My philosophy is to view in Mozilla, design to W3C standards and s*d what M$ makes of it, but this time IE has gone too far.

No matter how much we may love Firefox and hate IE, the fact remains that a hell of a lot of people use it.
This is my take on your layout, more or less: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dxdec.com/wod/design/2col/">http://www.dxdec.com/wod/design/2col/</a><!-- m -->
Built from scratch keeping a close eye on it in both IE and Firefox, took a little while to iron out some kinks- such as it working fine in FF but the menu being invisible in IE. But I am pleased with the results.
I did not pay close attention to how yours works, but I used the main content areas left border to supply a column for the menu to sit in when the content is longer than the menu.
The actual code for the columns:
border-left:16em solid #CCC;
}WoD, I think that's essentially what I have, so maybe something else is affecting it.So what is different in IE6 when things are ok in IE5.5 ?I could not figure out a solution to the problem using your code, so I simply did a ground-up rebuild of the basic layout structure - which you can use if you want... if it works properly that is.WoD, my design was perfectly ok until I substituted the ALA <ul> navigation code to replace the gif buttons that I had previously. I was just hoping someone could point out what was causing the problem with the code I had, rather than start all over again.Try this: (IE5 displays differently off-line)#button li a {
display: block;/* makes effect full div width */
padding: 5px 0; text-align:center;
border-left: 10px solid #e66600;/* mouse out colours*/
border-right: 10px solid #fa0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #c30;/* between buttons */
color: #fff;
background: #ff7800;
text-decoration: none;
}Ah, now that's fixed it ok, thanks Fang, I appreciate your help.