ie6+ frames = whatthehell?


I'm building a shopping site<br />
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See it at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Works fine in NS. IN ie, it doesn't see my links to a frame. When I press on the critters or xmas buttons, the new page opens in the aprent frameset, instead of the main frame.<br />
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Anyone else had problems with ie6?<br />
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Nippi<!--content-->Umm, apparently the answer was to reboot my computer? WHy that made a difference I don't knwo, but it did.<br />
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now everything works fine<!--content-->my computer went insane one time, i was screaming at the owner of the site i make and he was all like, "IT LOOKS FINE" i was like "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM ARE YOU SMOKING CRACK?@?#?!?@!?@??!@" then i rebooted and i was like, "oh ummmm wow,... the site... is normal again.... eheheehe"<br />
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computers can be gay at times =)<!--content-->