I've been wondering for a while now, what could possibly be causing this really strange bug on my website in IE for windows. Basically, sometimes, in seemingly random situations, certain parts of the text on my pages would mysteriously disapear. Even one time when my boss was reviewing a page I had recently finished, he loaded it up and was like WTF, nothing is here. After searching around for a while, I saw a reference to something called the peekaboo bug (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/peekaboo.html">http://www.positioniseverything.net/exp ... kaboo.html</a><!-- m -->). It ended up being the bug that was causing this problem. Has anyone else had problems with this one? I'm thinking about using the line-height: fix listed on that link. The thing is, I'm not sure what element I'm supposed to put that attribute on. What if I just put it on the body element? I think there's more than one element on a few of my pages that have been causing this bug. Basically I just want to know if there's something I can easily do to fix this retarded bug like body{line-height:1.2;} in my .css file that's linked to every page. Hopefully doing that wont cause 12 other IE bugs to surface resulting in some kind of psychotic break from yours truly and the next thing you know, I'm on the evening news for commiting horrible acts of random violence and stuff.
...well, maybe not.I had this problem with a small 'dot' image I was using on a left-side menu list. IE would randomly decide whither to display them or not. I finally gave up and went a different direction.
It's so hard to believe that such a crappy product is used by 95% of the people. I guess it shows how lazy we've become - noone wants to take the 5 minutes to go get a real browser - even if it's free.The position:relative; solution works well, without any side-effects.This same bug can also cause background images to overlap a tag's boundries, as well as BG colors doing the same. If you have a javascript drop-down menu, sometimes the position: relative;-fixed element will display above a javascript menu. The way I have below is more of a hack and should only be used when position: relative; doesn't work:
/* IN CSS */
/* Hide from IE5-Mac \*/
* html #someID { height: 1px; }
/* End IE5-Mac hiding */
When you give IE-Win a height that's obviously too short, IE-Win will recalculate the box's dimensions, and miraculously, most every positioning bug in IE goes away... for that element, *sigh*
But it's a handy method none-the-less.
...well, maybe not.I had this problem with a small 'dot' image I was using on a left-side menu list. IE would randomly decide whither to display them or not. I finally gave up and went a different direction.
It's so hard to believe that such a crappy product is used by 95% of the people. I guess it shows how lazy we've become - noone wants to take the 5 minutes to go get a real browser - even if it's free.The position:relative; solution works well, without any side-effects.This same bug can also cause background images to overlap a tag's boundries, as well as BG colors doing the same. If you have a javascript drop-down menu, sometimes the position: relative;-fixed element will display above a javascript menu. The way I have below is more of a hack and should only be used when position: relative; doesn't work:
/* IN CSS */
/* Hide from IE5-Mac \*/
* html #someID { height: 1px; }
/* End IE5-Mac hiding */
When you give IE-Win a height that's obviously too short, IE-Win will recalculate the box's dimensions, and miraculously, most every positioning bug in IE goes away... for that element, *sigh*
But it's a handy method none-the-less.