IE vs. Netscape layouts..


Hi there, I've completed a website I've been working on.. everything is looking good, however I've noticed that when I view the page in netscape (or another browser other than IE) the layout isn't the same.. by this I mean, all my content is still there, but the placement of everything in the window makes it look not as clean as I'd planned it.. my question is, what is the best/most common way to solve this problem so that I can achieve a similar look in both browsers? I'm using (VB) to design the site by the way. Again by layout i mean things like <hr> tags, headings, text etc..

Thanks for the help..When developing interfaces you must be aware that different browsers display certain tags differently. An example would be the horizontal rule you referenced. You can set the color of the rule in IE, however in Netscape the color attribute will not affect how the rule appears. You will want to research cross-browser/cross-platform compatabilities.