IE to Netscape incompatibility


I designed my website using Golive 5.0 and it looks ok. I checked it out on IE and it still looks ok. However when I ran in on Netscape 6.2 it does not look good. When I checked in Netscape Navigator 4.0 it looks even worse.<br />
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I tried to keep my design simple in terms of using very little java or other fancy stuff. But even basic color backgrounds are different as well as table sizes.<br />
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My site is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Thanks...<!--content-->well in IE6.0 it is messed up. I get to the bottom of the first table and then it is blank for about a full screen then it comes to the other table.<br />
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and then Netscape..... well first NS doesn't do TD backgrounds and has problems with backgrounds in tables over-all. NS6.1 is not that bad but it still is messed up.<br />
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and<br />
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<input cache src="World/Images/World_Page/Weboogie_logo1.jpg" type=image width="246" height="55"><br />
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NS doesn't work very well with inputs without the <form> tag. any where you have this it will not show up in NS.<br />
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that is a start, good luck on making it work. :)<!--content-->Thanks for your your thoughts Scoutt. However the blank area that you refer to is there on purpose as a divider between two different page views with the bottom part being referenced by a jump-to from the top page.<br />
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It sure is a pain to have to design a page that "fits all"... or would you agree.<br />
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Thanks....<!--content-->a pain, no I don't look at it that way. I look at it as becoming a better programmer. IE is lazy and will take anything and spit it out in the browser. it doesn't care if you left out tags, but on the other hand NS is strict and it won't run if you left off tags. but usually there is a way to work-around NS difficulty in not doing things that IE will do. <br />
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if the blank part is suppose to be there, then all you have to do is fix the background in the tables and NS will be fixed. at least I think so. :)<!--content-->