IE problem with XML in frames!


New Member

I have a strange problem in IE6. It works in Mozilla, but not in IE.

I have a frame-based site. That is, 4 frames, of which one is the "content-frame". The other frames contain banners and navigation menus etc. Everything is html, but to fix the usual problems with frames, some js-functions are being used. It works fine... pages are framed if opened un-framed, history/back/forward navigation works properly (in IE), bookmarking works...

Now, I have replaced one of the content pages from being an html-file to a xml-file with an associated xsl-stylesheet (by PI). This is an attempt to make an xml-site, to simplify content updates. When I navigate through my site it turns out that this single xml-file causes a lot of problems in the navigation history/back/forward etc on my site.

For example... The very "home" is an ordinary html-file. I start off from here. I navigate to my xml-page, and continue navigating to any html-page, and press Refresh in IE. What happens? The xml-page is reloaded, and the history that is tracked under the back/forward buttons since I last visited this page disappears!

Why does this happen?
