IE problem with table/css layout


i've dug quite a hole for myself and i'm having trouble getting out. here's the deal. i got a comp from our graphics guy and was instructed to chop it up and make it into a website that was compatible with 4.0 browsers and newer. for this reason, i chose to go with a table layout--however i also introduced a lot of css into the design. basically the table layout is to put everything where it goes relative to one another and the css does all the fancy pixel precision stuff. i'm utilizing about everything in the book, including spacers, but i'd rather this not turn into a flame war...

i used the techniques found here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) to get the page to be 100% of the height of the browser. i've basically gotten to the point now where it's too late to scratch the whole thing and start over, so i have to fix what i've got. now for the problem...

i don't know whether it's a table problem or a css problem, so i didn't know exactly where to post this... when the main column has a lot of content, the page looks perfect in IE 6 and Firefox. however, when the left column (i only have two columns, not three like in the link above) has a lot of content, the right column breaks up vertically.

i've tried everything i can think of, including specifying heights for each table cell, but nothing seems to have an effect. here's the links:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://******.org/~jeff/tmp/right_long.html">http://******.org/~jeff/tmp/right_long.html</a><!-- m --> - looks fine in both firefox and IE
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://******.org/~jeff/tmp/left_long.html">http://******.org/~jeff/tmp/left_long.html</a><!-- m --> - looks fine in firefox, messed up in IE