IE is adding unwanted random <span> tag


New Member
I have two text field. In one i am inserting one link. I am copying that link and pasting it the second one. Now when i am opening the source of the 2nd text field where i pasted it shows an extra tag is added. This issue is only in IE. I am using IE9.This is the source code of the first text field where i inserted the link::\[code\]<p> <a id="hhh" href="http://blr-kprama-lt:8080/_$link-ref:'2975'_" >sffsf </a></p>\[/code\]This is the source code of the second field where i pasted the link.\[code\]<p> <a id="hhh" href="http://blr-kprama-lt:8080/_$link-ref:'2975'_" > <span style="color: #0066cc" >sffsf </span></a></p>\[/code\]Give me some idea or code snippet.