I have a web page with the following code in it:\[code\]<!--[if IE 8]>Welcome to IE 8<![endif]-->\[/code\]I am logged onto the server, and if I hit the page in IE 8 via the URL \[code\]http://localhost/login\[/code\] I see the message. However, if I use the URL \[code\]http://myserver/login\[/code\] (where \[code\]myserver\[/code\] is the Windows name of the server I am logged into), the page displays and functions normally, except that the message is not displayed. If I do a View Source, I see the code as I expect it -- the comment displays in the source. (OK, I'm really trying to load a conditional style sheet and it is not being loaded when I use the server name, but this simple example shows the same result).Any ideas how to exit this new trip to IE bizarro-land?