hai,<BR><BR>When i am reposting my page, i get an alert message which asks me whether i want to resend the information. This alert message has 2 button,"Retry" and "Cancel". This alert message is a property of IE browser, I suppose.<BR>Now, i don't want this alert message to appear. Instead i want the page also to be posted. So the best option is to change the IE property so that it does not invoke this alert whenever i repost my page. How to do this using ASP ?<BR><BR>Regards,<BR>NishalHi Nishal,<BR><BR>I am not sure what you mean by reposting. But<BR>you can use httpcontext.current.response.Redirect(request.Url. ToString) to go to the same<BR>page again.<BR><BR>Good luck,<BR><BR>UltimaThey are talking about the alert from IE that states the the "iformation needs to be sent again...."/"ok=cancel". They want to disable it, but you can't! That is the way the browser behaves.