
I'm making an online file-manager, and I'm using <button> to represent each directory found. Each button has a name of "dir", so when you click a directory that button's value gets sumbitted and the directory is changed. But IE decides it's not going to submit that button's value, but the last one that's on the page. So obviously it doesn't work properly. Does anyone know of a work around (and don't say use <input> as I need to use button, and I can't use a link and the GET method either).<br />
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I wish people would stop using such a crap browser :mad:<!--content-->Yep I specified type="submit", and I tried it afterwards without a type attribute (as submit is the default) but still no luck. The thing is every other browser I've tried handles it fine, and that includes Lynx. Doesn't really matter anyway now I've just resorted to plain links (didn't really want to, but looks like I have no choice). Thanks for replying though.<!--content-->