IE 1px movement problem


Have a page with a drop down menu, the code for which I procured from another tutorial site. There are no credits in the script as of yet, but I will add them when I publish the site, I promise.

I currently have two problems

Firstly: There is already a hack in the script for an IE 1px bug, however when the page loads it is stil moving one pixel and then popping back into place "on hover"

Secondly: When I load it in fire fox there is a list-style-type "disc" appearing on the left of the menu. It defintely shouldn't be there as all the CSS attributes for that UL tag read list-style:none

If somebody could help me with these probs I'd be imensely grateful.
Many thanks,

Page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
script: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
CSS: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

/Edit Corrected link - excuse me.Please correct your page link.At risk of necroing this thread, like to mention that I managed to fix the weird dot in fire fox, but still having trouble with 1px movement in IE....

Edit - problems completely fixed - have no idea how, but for some reason after packing all the CSS together into one remote file, the problem rectified it's self.

joy - and cheers to anyone who might have read the script. If anyone knows what the original problem was, I'd be delighted to know as I am still in the dark.