identical sites - differently indexed


New Member
the pages are fully translated, duplicate content should be no problem. Each site has also got its own domain/URL.The first site that was launched was indexed by google almost completely (over 12,000 pages known by google). All the other sites are not well indexed. Only a few hundred pages are shown by google.Maybe you want to take a look:www-buerkert-de -> well indexed As an example:www-buerkert-fr -> poor indexed Group Site: www-buerkert-com (where you can reach alll sites) Has anyone out there experienced something similiar? Any apparent differences between the numbers of indexed pages without big differences on the sites themselves? danielwell... if a webpage contains a session id google refuses to index such pages... that is why phpbb forums are usually poorly indexed... does your website use those?Also it might be wise to use a pagemap automatically generated by a php script or something similar, and have that submitted to google to index and follow. ... tocol.htmlHere's an example of my automatically generated sitemap