icomoon fonts and wordpress nav-menu


New Member
I'm trying to add icons, via icomoon fonts, to the left of my text links in wordpress through the menu bar. I'm using the css that comes with the download from icomoon. I've add the class in the menu options area in the admin area of WP. The icons (fonts) DO show up on the 'li' elements but I want them to be added to the 'a' elements instead. FYI, the class that adds the font uses the :before selector. Here's an excerpt of the css:\[code\][class^="icon-"]:before, [class*=" icon-"]:before { font-family: 'icomoon'; font-style: normal; speak: none; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; color: $white;}.icon-home:before { content: "\68";}\[/code\]