IbProarcade. ERROR /arcade.php not found on server???


New Member
I know you guys are gonna get tired of helping me but I have another problem. GRRRRRRR. I moved my site to another host and imported my sql database to the new server. Now I am having problems with my add ons. I was using MGC chat box and it was stuck on loading. I reinstalled and re-uploaded all files and no go. I finally installed inferno shout and all is well.

Second I am having problems with IbProarcade. 2.6.7 and 2.6.6 I had this installed before the move and now I can't save scores. I keep getting Error /arcade.php not found on server. I have checked all files on my server and it is al there. I reuped all files and checked all templates and still nothing. I don't know what to do or what files to check maybe even paths to work out on new server . I am at a complete stop! I am lost!