IBM's Web Services architecture debuts


Staff member
IBM developerWorks just released a interview with Rod Smith, VP of IBM EmergingTechnologies, about Web Services, a model for doing development where theyuse XML messaging and SOAP to talk to each other.An architecture overview and interview with Rod Smith-------------------------------------------------------------Introducing IBM's Web Services, a distributed software architecture of servicecomponents. This brief overview and in-depth interview cover the fundamentalconcepts of Web Services architecture and what they mean for developers.The interview, with IBM's Rod Smith, Vice President of Emerging Technologies,explores which types of developers Web Services targets, how Web Servicesreduce development time, what developers could be doing with Web Servicesnow, as well as a glance at the economics of dynamically discoverable services.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=",t=gr,p=x.webSerThere's"> ... SerThere's</a><!-- m --> also two articles on XML Matters------------------------------------------------------------xml_pickle and xml_objectify,t=gr,p=x.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="Matters1,t=gr,p=x.Matters2">Matters1 ... x.Matters2</a><!-- m -->