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If you are interested in teaming with IBM check out the PartnerWorld programme, designed to offer IBM Business Partners benefits, technical support, education, marketing campaigns, sales tools and more to help you grow your business and drive profits. The PartnerWorld program benefits are aligned to three industry-recognized business models.

Consultants and integrators generate the majority of their revenue from providing consulting and integration services, including business consulting, systems integration, application development and management, and outsourcing. Learn how you can capitalize on IBM抯 growing market share
in critical hardware and software technologies:
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Independent software vendors (ISVs) are commercial software developers whose primary business is developing and delivering solutions to the marketplace. Learn how IBM puts a wealth of technical and marketing enablement tools at your fingertips to help you deliver solutions that
address your customers?business needs: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Resellers resell IBM products and solutions, and may also provide value-added services as part of a solution. Learn how IBM helps you leverage the IBM brand and our leadership position in e-business on demand, products and technologies:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... llers.html</a><!-- m -->

XML Matters: Practical XML data design and manipulation for voting systems
In this installment, the author discusses his practical experiences developing interrelated XML data formats for the EVM2003 Free Software project to develop voting machines that produce voter-verifiable paper ballots. In addition, David looks at how an application-specific meaning for XML document equivalence can be programmed, and why canonicalization is insufficient
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Practical data binding: JaxMe - The new kid on the block
This article begins an in-depth look at JaxMe, an open source implementation of JAXB. In addition to offering several enhancements to the basic JAXB specification, JaxMe offers integration with databases and Enterprise JavaBeans, both significant extensions to basic data binding behavior.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... L1544JaxMe</a><!-- m -->

Thinking XML: Harold's Effective XML
More design principles for every XML professional
Noted XML expert Elliotte Rusty Harold's book Effective XML offers best practices for users of XML technologies. Much of the discussion in the book touches on issues of XML design that have also preoccupied Uche Ogbuji, and in this article he discusses the book as the thread for further observations on XML design and best practices.
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