IBM developerWorks resources: xml_pickle and Web rendering


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Two IBM developerWorks articles on XML developments:,t=gr,p=dwhp'Pythonic' treatment of XML documents as objects---------------------------------------------------------------David Mertz, Ph.D. discuss some of the goals, decisions, and limitationsof the project to create a more seamless integration between XML and Python;and hopefully provide you with a set of useful modules and techniques thatpoint to easier ways to meet programming goals. All tools created as partof the project will be released to the public domain. David Mertz presentsthe xml_pickle module.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=",t=gr,p=XMLpytHow"> ... =XMLpytHow</a><!-- m --> to render XML documents in popular Web browsers------------------------------------------------------------Here's a practical step-by-step explanation of how to display XML documentsin two popular browsers. The authors demonstrate the default display behaviorsof Internet Explorer 5.5 and Netscape 6.0 browsers and show how to applystylesheets for custom display. Details include sample code used to createdisplays of XML documents. After reading this article, you will be ableto set up your XML document for browser display using default and customdisplay approaches, avoiding common pitfalls in the process.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=",t=gr,p=XMLwebXML"> ... =XMLwebXML</a><!-- m --> Lightweight Extractor--------------------------------------------------------------XLE allows a user to annotate a given DTD, then extract XML documents conformingto that DTD from underlying data sources.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=",t=gr,p=XMLext"> ... r,p=XMLext</a><!-- m -->