ibase_connect to remote database


Staff member
I need to use PHP to connect from a Linux box to an Interbase database on a remote Win2K server. Virtually every resource I've found to explain this is a copy of the PHP Manual page for ibase_connect, which does not really explain the exact syntax for connecting remotely.

Here's what I'm using (basically just the sample, copied from that man page):

$host = "[what should go here?]";
$username = "[username]";
$password = "[password]";

$dbh = ibase_connect ($host, $username, $password);
$stmt = 'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE lastname = "Dalius"';
$sth = ibase_query ($dbh, $stmt);
while ($row = ibase_fetch_object ($sth)) {
print $row->email . "\n";
ibase_close ($dbh);

Can somebody give me a concrete example or two of exactly what the value of $host should be? I'm looking for something as concrete as "hostname:foo.bar.com/database.gdb" with all the appropriate slashes and such...Thanks in advance.