I wonder...


Hello there.<br />
I'm not sure if i'm posting this in the right area, if i'm not, sorry.<br />
I've been searching the net now for weeks and weeks, and there some decent templates out there. However, does anyone happen to know a site that has the 'php' style templates? all of those always look so modern and nice.<br />
Sites like <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://searchirc.com">http://searchirc.com</a><!-- m --> are the type i'm looking for.<br />
If you happen to know where I can find things like this, please please help.<br />
Thank you very much.<!--content-->what do you mean 'php' style. Php can go on any site php is a server side language. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.clantemplates.com">www.clantemplates.com</a><!-- w --> has some ok temps but they seem to ignore the w3 standards and I am not sure how good their temps would look on other browsers.<!--content-->hi, thanks for your reply.<br />
They are nice designs, but perhaps too 'busy'..still searching google for some simple, modern and 'cute' designs; and just wondered if anyone here already knew of a website to look at.<br />
thanks again.<!--content-->I was wondering why it is not possible to put a JPEG image into an HTML document wheras I can easily put GIF or BITMAP formatted pictures in??<!--content-->I was wondering why it is not possible to put a JPEG image into an HTML document <br />
<br />
That is odd because the web site I am working on now has both JPEG and GIF images on it...can you tell us a bit more about the problem you are encountering?<!--content-->When I put in images as GIF that were originally formatted for GIF they worked out fine but when I try to put in JPEG formatted pictures it wont even show up on the finished product (visual version of the website). so when I tried to re-format the picture to a GIF the quality of it is crap!! so I am wondering if it may be the tag or if not that then probably the program? heres the tag --> <br />
<br />
<TD ALIGN = CENTER VALIGN = TOP IMG SRC=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"Andy.JPG"> <H3><FONT COLOR = "#003366" > SKATE VIDS </FONT> </H3><br />
<br />
hope the tag helps and thanks for your reply!!<!--content-->That code is completly wrong.<br />
<IMG SRC=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"Andy.JPG"><H3><FONT COLOR="#003366" > SKATE VIDS </FONT> </H3> <br />
<br />
is the correct way to do it, if you are trying to set the image as a background you would use this code <br />
<br />
<TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP" Background="Andy.JPG"><H3><FONT COLOR="#003366" > SKATE VIDS </FONT> </H3><!--content-->Originally posted by J Haddock <br />
... it wont even show up on the finished product (visual version of the website). <br />
<br />
If PeOfEo's code correction doesn't fix your problem...<br />
<br />
Are you sure you have your link path correct? Sometimes the path will be case sensitive. IMAGE.JPG is different from image.jpg is different from IMAGE.jpg, etc. Right-click the image placeholder when viewing the page in your browser, and click Properties. Check the path. Also, be sure you've uploaded the image to the right directory on the server.<!--content-->