I want to keep footer always on the bottom of the browser


I want to keep the footer text always on the bottom of the browser. It looks fine on the monitor resolution I'm using 1024 by 768, but when the res is higher the footer isn't on the bottom. If lower res, it will even get lost. Here's the link to my site:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.xn3ct.net">http://www.xn3ct.net</a><!-- m --> <br />
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and here's the code for the footer:<br />
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<table width="100%" height="100" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <br />
<!--DWLayoutTable--><tr><td width="1024" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap> <br />
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the rest is input<br />
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Thanks.<br />
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james<!--content-->Oh boy, tables...... you could be in for a bit of a slapping here sir.<br />
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Just kidding. ;) (I hope)<br />
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I would say if you were just using div's etc then you might have been able to just have a div for the bottom text you want down there and another on top set to overflow:auto;<br />
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That way you could just sit yer text at the bottom of yer site no matter what the resolution. Although this'd probably not look quite right as you'd get a scroll bar that wouldn't quite be the full length of the page and you'd also get two scroll bars in Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE always slaps a scroll bar on yer page even if it isn't needed or wanted).<br />
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Doubtless someone will provide you with a decent solution soon although I do have one very impotant principle I feel I must point out to you (one I persistently have to remind an associate of mine of), and that is even if you are making a site that is for a certain resoloution at least think of others and don't build the site to your resolution.<br />
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What I mean by this that you say it looks fine at 1024X768. This is in a sense true. In that it is true on your screen. That's not to say it is true of many other peoples screen though.<br />
My display is currently at 1024X768 and the page doesn't quite fit on my screen. Just because someone is running their display at 1024X768 does not mean that they have the same width and height of viewable area of a page as the next. Something as minor as using a different browser can have a large impact on how much of the page is displayed at any one time. Fire Fox for example gives quite a large viewable area, whereas Netscape Navigator 7 gives a much smaller viewable area in comparison. That's just browsers, never mind all the other factors such as task bar properties browser tool bars, full screen modes, operating system and so on.<br />
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It's not generally a good idea to try and make a page that just fits a users full screenbecause as I said, there's just too many differing factors. One of the most important things to consider when making a site is your users. Remember, just because it looks right for you, does not mean it looks right for everyone else. Always keep your users in mind.<!--content-->Thanks for the advise,<br />
I'm more on the graphics side and don't really know much about good/bad code/tactics. And I can't do a page w/o Dreamweaver building the code for me. I find layers (div) pretty easy to use, but I don't get the desired effect on Netscape, since they shift and are positioned differently on the page. (Now if you know code that specifically tells certain settings for specific browsers - that would be great). Other people have told me that tables are standard on the web and better than layers.<br />
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Though, I stil decided to use layers for my page.<br />
What would overflow:auto; do if I placed my footer text in a div layer set with overflow:auto;? Does that code tell the layer that it should always be on the bottom of the screen at whatever resolution? ..I should test it.<br />
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Also, thanks for the advise about screen resolutions; I thought that 1024 by 768 would display always the same on all monitors. Years ago, I remember being thought at school to build pages at the lowest resolution to compensate for people who haven't set up their screen resolution higher; that meant building pages at 640 by 480. Well, my last page was at 800 X 600 and before I build my newest page I decided that people who are into/about graphics (my audience/clients) are not using that resolution anymore, so I'd jump to the next one (1024 by 768).<br />
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James<!--content-->Div does not stand for 'layer'. it stands for 'Divison' as in Page Divison.<br />
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Overflow: auto; tells the browser to resize the div if it's content is too large. If you specify both height and width, the browser will apply scrollbars to the div, giving it the exact appearance of an IFRAME.<br />
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It is best to code your pages in 800*600 because not everyone likes resolutions at or above 1024*768 (I am not one of them. I have 3 displays, all an 1280*1024 :) )<br />
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The use of tables for layout is not semantically correct. Tables are meant for use with data and should not be used for layout, as not all browsers render tables the same.<!--content-->I tried putting my footer text in <div with overflow auto, but m not getting the effect -- to have the footer always on the bottom (regardless of the screen resolution).<br />
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<div id="Layer5" style="position:absolute; left:236px; top:597px; width:417px; height:51px; z-index:5; overflow: auto;"> <br />
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I use dreamweaver and go by whatever options the program gives me. It has a Draw Layer button and once you do that it opens <div<br />
That's why I was refering to <div as layers, because Dreamweaver names it that way.<br />
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Now, unlike making tables, Dreamweaver doesn't give me the option to substitute "pix." for "%" for <div<br />
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