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i have one php page in which i have two loops in place. this loop is used to retrive data from database column and print in the form of a row group by stud_no column. here is a code:\[code\]<?php $link=mysql_connect("localhost","xyz","toor") or die("Cannot Connect to the database!"); mysql_select_db("dbase",$link) or die ("Cannot select the database!"); $query2="SELECT stud_no FROM fees_master ORDER BY stud_no ;"; $resource2=mysql_query($query2,$link); $i=1; while($res=mysql_fetch_array($resource2)) { $lsd=$res[0]; $query="SELECT stud_no,inst_amt FROM fees_master WHERE stud_no LIKE $lsd ;"; $resource=mysql_query($query,$link); echo"<table align=\"center\" border=\"0.5\"> <tr>"; while($result=mysql_fetch_array($resource)){ echo "<td>".$i."</td>,"; echo "<td>".$result[0].",</td>"; echo "<td>".$result[1].",</td>,"; if($result[0]!==$lsd) { echo"</tr></table>"; break; } } }?> \[/code\]after running this code I am getting this output:http://i.stack.imgur.com/qLvE5.pngplease help. I want to print each distinct line only once.