New Member
Hi, I have 2 ascx files (header.ascx and footer.ascx) which have form server tags for buttons. Then I have a default.aspx which calls both ascx files and then itself also have form server tags. So all together have 3 set of Form Server Tags, how can I can this to work ?<BR><BR>Thanks<BR>MatthewNot sure about this one, but maybe <%@Page runat="server"%> at top...Each ASP.NET page can only have 1 WebForm ( Form Runat="Server" ).<BR><BR>You should build your User controls (.ascx code files ) on the assumption that they will be included inside a WebForm on the page in which they are used.<BR><BR>So, you would create your page similar to this:<BR><BR><FORM Runat="server"><BR> <MATTHEW:Header Id="ctlHeader" Runat="server" /><BR>...<BR> <MATTHEW:Footer Id="ctlFooter" Runat="server" /><BR></FORM>