i seek assistance from a higher power on improving a most important website.


as many of you have read, i run our school's underground website (as is implied by the name.) i seek input on how to make the webpage more secretive, evil, cool, whatever. don't try to access it on a mac, for i know that the codes don't work and i've installed a mac filter to try and keep them from bothering.(see this forum (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forums.webdeveloper.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23360">http://forums.webdeveloper.com/showthre ... adid=23360</a><!-- m -->)) i don't know how compatible it is with non-IE browsers - I only work on it in our IT lab and at home, both using new PC's.<br />
the link is hither (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.esu3.k12.ne.us/districts/ralston/hs/rhsweb/bell.htm">http://www.esu3.k12.ne.us/districts/ral ... b/bell.htm</a><!-- m -->). just wait for the page to load and type 'enigma.' not in the address bar, just type. the insuing password is 'ourpage.' if you don't like the fullscreen, oh well.<br />
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enjoy and thanks.<!--content-->Well, I cannot visit because our proxy servers block dubious content and having "underground" in the URL is probably what triggered the servers.<br />
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Though if you want a cool site you'll have to pay homage to the Dark XHTML God and you would know all about typing "about:mozilla" in a browser URL bar if you have modern PC's then you are foolish if you don't Download <!--more--> Firebird.<!--content-->The one link went to the school's website and I think you want people to go to the site that's in your profile. Here's a breif rundown.<br />
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The opening Flash was huge in terms of screen resolution. I don't know what screen resolution you are targeting, but it looks on the large side.<br />
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Once I got to the actual content, the width of your main content area is very small considering are area avalible to you. I have a feeling you defined the width using a fixed width. Use % instead.<br />
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Try to add more than two colors. Black and green is a start, but you need some more variety in there. I would change the colors on text links at least.<br />
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Your Flash menu is hard to read. The Font sizes should be increased. Your Flash menu also doesn't really do much of anything after it's loaded.<br />
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By the way, your code isn't worth stealing anyway. ;)<br />
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EDIT. *checks site in IE* And get rid of the stupid cursor thing.<!--content-->Are you running it off a home server? Its terriblely slow and I am on a 3.0 MB Cable line.<!--content-->i'm running this off of netfirms - i've never had many problems with the page being slow even on 56.6. i know that link went to the school's website - there were instructions that led into the underground. anyways, the large screen resolution you are referring to would be full screen. i admit that the menu text is rather small. and about the source code - that's just to deter certain unenjoyable underclassmen. thanks for the comments.<!--content-->