Code: [ Select ]yes, it could help. inbound links do help a lot, but they're a small part of a large equation that determines the search engine results.I use Arelis to automate that process, by the Usefull spam... talk about world changing o.o;!the way they talk about it seems needlessly's what I do:search for my keyphrase. find sites similar to mine, and check their backlinks (done most easily with the google toolbar). find the pages that link to them, and ask those same pages for a's another google for your catch phrase and "add url" or "submit url". Sites that have automated link submission are usually the fastest....just make sure they are not link farming and that they will actually visit the sites they link to.disgust wrote:Arelis has no idea what PageRank is. Arelis allows you to search for potential linkage by searching keywords, and looking at backlinks to your competitors.The difference between Arelis and doing it manually is that Arelis logs them all, keeps a track of the E-Mails you send, makes sure you don't E-Mail for the same URL a dozen times over.Arelis just helps to speed up a lot of otherwise manual processes.How much time you spend getting the links is entirely up to you. You still have to tell it who to E-Mail, and what to E-Mail them to request a link.Foxy wrote:Quote: