I need vbSeo and vbCMPS (the home page of forum that looks cool) but need halp <33


New Member
Hi guys ;)

I need vbSeo and vbCMPS (the thing that makes your forum home have news and stuff like a blog).

But the problem is, I checked out the vbseo released by Fire by vbteam.info and like 3/4 of the posts there say that it doesn't work, it is buggy, it's not the real version, etc.

The same with vbCMPS.

I just want someone to link me to a working vbseo/vbcmps. I mean I do appreciate vbseo released by fire and I respect the time he took into nulling it but I'm just afraid I might end up like the 3/4 of the users that posted on that thread.

Thank you <44