I Need This please

Since vBulletin Blog 2.0 Beta 2 has been released, I have noticed there is no general link to the blog.php page itself on the navbar. So what this very simple, one or two line mod does is just that, add exactly one link to the menu which goes to the root blog.php page (the one with featured entries and the like).

Find in blog_navbar_link:


<if condition="$show['blog_search']">
<td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="blog_search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=search">$vbphrase[search_blogs]</a></td>

Add after:

<td class="vbmenu_option">
<a href="blog.php">Blog Portal</a>

That's it. It should be default, but it isn't, so I added it.

Hack Support

This hack is now discontinued - this means that while it will remain available for download and use, there will be no further updates, nor will support be provided as the thread is no longer monitored.

Please click Mark as Installed if you are using this hack.

vBulletin Version Compatibility

This hack can be used with v3.6.10 and v3.7.x. This has not been tested with earlier versions of v3.6.x, but should work.

This hack has only been tested with vBulletin Blog v1.0.5. I have not tested with it with vBulletin Blog v2.x.x (and will never be as this hack is no longer supported).

What Does This Hack Do?

Your own vBulletin Boss Key, is displayed each blog entry and blog comment, so you can quickly click yourself to the safety of legitimate url when the boss turns up, while you are at work.

I have created a custom button for this hack, you can use another button if you like, just remember to rename it blog_panic.gif. You can have a different button for each style, as long as each one is named blog_panic.gif.

NOTE 1:My Panic Button hack needs to be installed first for this hack to work (this is an add-on hack to that). It will also give you an overall panic/boss button solution.

NOTE 2: Any Panic Button you see in a blog entry or blog comment is tied to your profile, even if it is in someone else's blog entry or blog comment (to prove it, disable the Panic Button in the your UserCP)

NOTE 3: This is still a template hack (and it's parent hack is a product), due to the fact that there are no template hooks where I need them to be, and as a consequence manual template edits are required because I can not automate this hack.

This hack was created because of a comment here.

Installation Instructions

The Panic Button for vBulletin Blog Installation Instructions 3.7.xxx.pdf instructions file is included in attached .zip (includes visual instructions)

Version History

v3.7.002 - Thursday 24th July 2008
-- Final Release
-- Changed: Updated to keep in line with it's parent hack

v3.7.001 - Friday 27th June 2008
-- Initial Release

Show Your Appreciation

Although not required, if you have enjoyed the benefits of this hack, and would like show your appreciation for my efforts, then please feel free to click on the Support Developer link and donate any amount you feel is appropriate.

First : My English isn't so good so am sorry for any Mistakes

Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification

when there is a Congratulations message due or any good stuff like
Games or Applications you may want to add a nice
thing for it ..... that's what this Product does.

It allows you to add a stamp on the Top Right corner of the thread or in other places you are free to choose.

For More Details I made some screenshots

Some other maybe useful stamps

vBulletin.org Forum - The Official vBulletin Resource!

New Stamps Made By : HaYLaZ
PSD Incl

1. Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
2. upload the files under folder upload
3. Enter the option and edit it as u like

To set options:
Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Stamps Options

allow Moderators to stamp threads :
Go to: Forums & Moderators > Show All Moderators > select the Moderator
> [Edit Permissions] > at the end of the page u will find "Can Do Stamp", choose " Yes"

Main Features:
- Select the ( style of best threads - position of stamp in thread )
- Repeat Stamp Pic in thread
- Number of threads to be shown on the table Of the best threads see the last 2 screens
- Default time to remove stamps
- stamped threads speed ( just works with the table ( move to Up )
- allow all Moderators or some of them to stamp the topics ( admin group is the only group u can't disallow from stamping .. do disallow them you need to Edit there permission Manually one by one )

vBulletin Version : 3.7.0 & 3.7.1 & 3.7.2

v1.0 : v 3.8.1 - Arabic releases
v4.0.0 - First English release
v4.0.1 - First release for VB3.7
v4.0.2 B - Fixed CSRF and same bugs remove same images that not work (English)

See screenshots And More Info :-
you can find it @ my old topic
Stamps - vBulletin.org Forum

Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification

Many Thanks HaYLaZ for making New STAMPS pics and translate To Turkish
Many Thanks bahisyeri for Fix security token problems

there you go