i need this hack

It isn't hack at all. There is just information about vb.org irc channel:
Before connecting please take a moment to read over our rules and guidelines.

vBulletin.org Chat Rules

1. No vBulletin or vBulletin modification support can be given in our irc channel.
2. No "Flaming": Please do not post any messages that harrass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member or guest.
3. No "Trolling": Please do not post any topic that disrupts the peace and harmony of this channel.
4. No flooding of the channel.No bots are allowed in our irc channel without permission from the staff.
5. No trading: This channel is not a place for trading in any way. You are not allowed to trade, buy, sell or exchange vBulletin Licenses or other Material on this channel.
6. No "Offensive" Posts, Links or Images: Please do not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, racist, sexist, discriminatory, or otherwise violative of any local or international laws. Staff will ultimately decide if something is appropriate or not.

To connect with your web browser click here.

To connect with your irc client use the following server details:

* Server: irc.vbulletin.org
* Port: 6667
* Channel: #vborg

Our irc channel is kindly hosted by vBulletin-Chat.