I NEED SOME HELP on a dating site


New Member
i need some help on seoing a dating sote. friend pais alot for this site no knowing what he got in to. does anyone have suggestions where to get links or how to get quick link back. we need to get 500 uniques a day to start. i know dating sites are very hard to optimized but i know someone out there help. I has the site in msn under a pretty good key word not the site isnt there any more. i was getting him almost 200 uniques per day and now they have dropped to about 80 a day. any good ideas to pass on to me, There's loads of information in this forum (SEO Forum), just start reading.

Here's a good start:
http://www.v7n.com/forums/seo-forum/54822-website-seo-steps.html this i got down already. maybe im just being impatient because its a dating site. all the other sites i do come up quick. i pretty much do all the stuff thats in the link you suggested me too. i greatly appreciate it though. thank you. Need to learn to type first, I couldnt even understand the message....


New Member
We all know very well that there are many businesses that can be done in the market and also there are many competitions in market so it is not an easy to get a success in business.SEO is one of the best way for an online promotion.