I need not to reload a flash-part of my website, but dont know how [closed]


New Member
I have a html site, like a bunch of different .html files... However I have a \[code\].swf\[/code\] file that is supposed to play an audio whole time. The problem thereby is that everytime someone gets from \[code\]mydomain.com/site1.html\[/code\] to \[code\]mydomain.com/site2.html\[/code\] the \[code\].swf\[/code\] will load renewed, meaning that audio file will play from beginning. And that is not what I want.I wanted to have that "audio player" playing one constant song, not reloading with every change of URL. I am though actually not sure how to achieve this, probably with JavaScript?I tried to do it with \[code\]iframe\[/code\]s but that was anything but aesthetic was really hard-coded.Solution with AJAX came into my mind as well, but that would be way complex solution, far from my abilities, because then i should have to do whole infrastructure.Any ideas how to deal with the problem?