I need more help. please help


Ok I am not very intelligent at this. The phpbb site you gave me did not help me.<br />
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I can leave the forum I have if it still works. I want to make one fancy like this though with registration. I was not able to understand the php code.<br />
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Can you describe it to me. do i need a program to make it.<br />
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my forum is URL=http://nicseverquest.netfirms.com/disc1_toc.htm]http://nicseverquest.netfirms.com/disc1_toc.htm[/URL] <br />
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I really want to know how to make registration. think of me being a 12 year old. get me to understand. please.<br />
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I use frontpage any advice for that. I know how to use html but i prefer fp<br />
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NicRab<!--content-->Hey NicRab,<br />
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If you want registration, you are going to need some sort of storage ability to hold username/password combos. This is usually done with server-side languages such as ASP, and PHP. Coldfusion by Macromedia is making its way in, too. <br />
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The server-side language is what will tie your user interface (the webpage) to the storage media you use (which should be some sort of database utility). <br />
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ASP is really easy to learn, and if you have Windows, you can easily install IIS from your disk so that you can test the language on your own computer. I learned a heap of ASP in less than 3 months, after I grasped the concept of "server side" technology... which can sometimes disorient new learners.<!--content-->