I need help with resizing please!!


Hi there. I have a brand new computer, and my computer screen is huge, however I have noticed that my websites don't change size on a smaller computer screen. i.e, if someone with a screen size between 800*600 views my website, all the images look huge, and they have to scroll. Here is an example of my script:<br />
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<div id="layer0" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:190;width:180;height:501;"><br />
<table width=180 height=501 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr valign="top"><br />
<td><img height=501 width=180 src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"menu.jpg" border=0></td><br />
</tr></table></div><br />
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I've heard that you can use % instead of number to make the images change size depending on the screen size. Can any body help me.<br />
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If you need more info, take a look at my site at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.golfernz.tk">http://www.golfernz.tk</a><!-- m --> and you might see what I mean!<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->% values (floating) always have their risks. I have never tried floating sizes on images, but I suppose they work. The image may, however look very nasty if it gets shrinked!<br />
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<b>Added:</b> Your site looks very good in 1024x768. And that's a quite common resolution, so I wouldn't really worry.<!--content-->Originally posted by agent002 <br />
% values (floating) always have their risks. I have never tried floating sizes on images, but I suppose they work. The image may, however look very nasty if it gets shrinked!<br />
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<b>Added:</b> Your site looks very good in 1024x768. And that's a quite common resolution, so I wouldn't really worry. <br />
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Hey icedcheese<br />
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FIRSTLY, good site..!<br />
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agent002 is right most people do have the 1024x768 or close to it. Also i did view it at 800x600 and i know what you mean! But not many people have their settings like that. <br />
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Just on another note some of the pics did not load for me, sorry i did not take a look at the code for the problem but it's just a little note. <br />
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Cheers, Dark!<!--content-->Here this should help. I wrote this in reply to someone a long while ago but it is very relavent.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14629">http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.ph ... adid=14629</a><!-- m --><br />
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You should aim for 800*600 and include everything from there on. If you are looking to make money on this site why are you ignoring around 50% of your punters?<br />
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That green (bad pun) is awful. Perhaos a little to radioactive, try something a little more natural in terms of green.<!--content-->