I Need Help (With.. mysql_fetch_array)


New Member
I'm building an online shopping cart,
in the front line is a search page that
queries a Mysql result (limited by 0,10 - for 10 rows per query) ...

What I begin to notice is that
my search (regardless of the returned rows) effects my php script.

example: .. if the result queries somwhere
in the range of 1000 products (and remember,
the sql script is limited to 10 rows at a time) the return page brings back the set of rows and displayes them just fine..

but when the query goes through more then 1000 products or so.. then I get this error:
Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in ...(my source) on line ...

the line it can not process is the 'while ($printArray = mysql_fetch_array($result))' line.

please help me understand .. and solve this horible problem...

thanxxx a lot! - Poogy.

URL: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://laptopmania.com/new_site/">http://laptopmania.com/new_site/</a><!-- m -->
GOOD SEARCH: 'notebook' (1000 + products)
BAD SEARCH: (in the search page click the 'Computers' link.. on top.