I need help on how to make site compatable with all browsers / resolution siz.


Staff member
My computer at home where I design my website is on a 800 x 600 resolution monitor. When I come to work I have a 1024 x 768 and I pull my site up there is a lot of white space to the lower right portion of the screen. <br />
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I guess my question is what do I need to do to make sure I see at work exactly what I see at home on my smaller monitor? How do bigger sites like Yahoo, etc. etc. do it? The resolution always fits the browser no matter what size the monitor. As it was intended. <br />
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In otherwords, no matter what size your monitor at its default resolution setting, how can I make my site compatible with different users/ surfers monitors, browsers, resolution size? I use Dreamweaver 3 and Photoshop 6 if that helps as a reference.<br />
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I hope I am making sense and not a stupid question. I tried asking Webmonkey, but never heard back from them.<br />
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Thanks for your time and consideration.<br />
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Christian Adams<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.alumni.ouskulls.com">http://www.alumni.ouskulls.com</a><!-- m --><!--content-->I have the same problem, with more users running a 800x600 rez, but at work we have such huge monitors that 1024X780, and even 1200X900 is easy to come by. And thats not all.....<br />
Since I am on the market for a new laptop, I have noticed that models which are comming out now are standard 14.1" screens...set at 1024X780 resolution. This means laptop users will be able to see much more than 800X600 that most people design for. <br />
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How I did it? I set my tables to 100% wide (dreamweaver usually sets your tables to a fixed pixel width, you'll need to go to MODIFY, TABLES, SET WIDTHS TO PERCENTS). What this does...it makes the table fill the entire screen width. You can also do this with the height setting. <br />
Its much easier (in my humble opinion) to hand code the page to fit all browser resolutions.<br />
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[Edited by Dr. Web on 02-16-2001 at 01:02 PM]<!--content-->