I need help ...how to...


when I want to post some new thread in some foeums like this<br />
and I used HTML like table, bold with b italic like i in<><br />
and color some of the rows ir cells in that particulare table and then preview my "work" my message do not start from the beginning of window like this but I have a colored line or "free space" if I do not colored any part of table<br />
so mu Q. is?<br />
how to make my html message with table command in it to start form beggining like this and not to have wasted space in threads<br />
thanx<!--content-->You'll find that post of the best forums (like this ;)) don't allow HTML, but instead they use their own special code (eg: UBB code or vB code)<br />
So if you want to know how to do this especially for forum use, then there is no point finding out.<!--content-->best forums???<br />
so that means that you think<br />
network 54 or ezboard or coolboard arent good enough<br />
I want only to post some data bit in order and not to uise hard space "& n b s p "<br />
I make tbale manuelly or in dreamwever but when i posrt such table it does not start from the beginning og window (such as this) but it depends of my table width and height<br />
and so wasted space is ... there is a lot of it <br />
i dont want to post such messages where the half of "window" is empty and half with my regular table<br />
so does anybody knoew the solution for my problem????<!--content-->