I need help extracting values from xml in ruby/rails


New Member
I am working on personal project and using Rails to learn the framework. The project is music based and I'm using ChartLyrics.com's API to retrieve song lyrics. The API returns XML and I am having trouble extracting the actual lyric element from the XML. I have installed the Nokogiri gem to help parse the XML. The following is what I'm using to retrieve the data. From the rails console:\[code\]doc = Nokogiri::XML(open(http://api.chartlyrics.com/apiv1.asmx/SearchLyricDirect?artist=michael%20jackson&song=bad))puts doc<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><GetLyricResult xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://api.chartlyrics.com/"> <TrackId>0</TrackId> <LyricChecksum>a4a56a99ee00cd8e67872a7764d6f9c6</LyricChecksum> <LyricId>1710</LyricId> <LyricSong>Bad</LyricSong> <LyricArtist>Michael Jackson</LyricArtist> <LyricUrl>http://www.chartlyrics.com/28h-8gWvNk-Rbj1X-R7PXg/Bad.aspx</LyricUrl> <LyricCovertArtUrl>http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/B000CNET66.02.MZZZZZZZ.jpg</LyricCovertArtUrl> <LyricRank>9</LyricRank> <LyricCorrectUrl>http://www.chartlyrics.com/app/correct.aspx?lid=MQA3ADEAMAA=</LyricCorrectUrl> <Lyric> Because I'm bad (bad-bad), I'm bad, come on (really, really bad) You know I'm bad (bad-bad), I'm bad, you know it (really, really bad) You know I'm bad (bad-bad), I'm bad, you know it (really, really bad) you know And the whole world has to answer right now Just to tell you once again </Lyric></GetLyricResult>\[/code\]I shortened the lyrics to save space. How do I extract the 'Lyric' element? I've tried all of the following:\[code\]> lyrics = doc.xpath('//Lyric')=> []> lyrics = doc.xpath('/Lyric')=> []> lyrics = doc.xpath('//GetLyricResult/Lyric')=> []> lyrics = doc.xpath('//GetLyricResult//Lyric')=> []> lyrics = doc.xpath('/GetLyricResult/Lyric')=> []\[/code\]'lyrics' is nil everytime. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks