I need help displaying a pre-loaded animation as sonn as page opens!


Hi<br />
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I have a band site with three pages:<br />
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- the first is an intro page with a cool message. The page either automatically redirects to the next page, or the user can click to continue. Also on this page is a 1Kb animation of a 10...9...8... countdown. I have made the animation 1x1 pixels so the user can't see it, it simply loads into the cache ready to be displayed in the next page...<br />
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- the purpose of the second page is to keep the user amused while the third and final page is loading. The idea is that 10...9...8... countdown is displayed, and by the time it gets to 0, all the images for the third page have loaded into the cache (by making them 1x1 pixel size on the second page). This way, when the 2nd page redirects to the third page, the third page displays everything instantly.<br />
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Everything works cool except that sometimes the 10...9...8... countdown animation won't display as soon as the 2nd page loads, even though it was pre-loaded into cache on the first page. I have checked that the file is in fact in the Temporary Internet Files folder, and it always is after the first page loads. However, it doesn't always display as soon as the 2nd page loads (sometimes it does).<br />
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Is there anyway to make the animation constantly display instantly?<br />
Also, I have noticed that when the second page loads, it reloads page data in between loading each image file. Is there some way to stop it doing this, as it adds time to the loading process?<br />
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The website is at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.gilbert.net.au">www.gilbert.net.au</a><!-- w --><br />
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Thanks for your help!<!--content-->there is no way you can control the Download <!--more--> of the page. all users have a different connection, some fast and some slow. it loads depending on the connection. all you can do it pre-load them and that is it. th ebrwoser loads teh rest when it gets it and each browser has its own way of loading.<!--content-->