I Need Help Asap.


New Member
Hmm okay like i fucked my shit up comeplety, and um. well now i am restarting right I Am trying to figur out how i would go About Doing the database, Is there a .SQL File That I Need for creating the tables in the MYSQL - PhpmyAdmin Part?, IF Anyone knows what im talking About Please Help, i Am trying my hardest to get this up by my self , my friend did it the frist time, so im kinda in a bad siutation now, so Please someone help Me.
1.)Upload all the files to the server in yout vBulletin's /upload/ directory
2.)Goto your MySQL and create a new account with the desired username and password and account name
3.)Edit your config.php.new to host the new SQL Account name, username and password
4.)Rename your config.php.new to config.php
5.)Run the install script by going to the url on your server that hosts the install.php document
Wow thank You!!! Got A Another Question Tho. "I Am Running vbullentin - 3.6.8 Okay. Aslo When I Try to Post A New Post or Thread And im typeing it out Like i Am doing So right Now, It does Not show my Editing Tools - Bold - Itailic - Underline Aligments - The Sizes, The Colors, What would be the cause of this?
will someone please help with this problem i am having with the tool editor.
when i go to post on the forums it dont show i am Using a new theme insted of the Original.