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I need to add the following fields in a program\[code\]Field Name: ---- Backbone Mapping: ---- Type:Toll Free Number - SCAddress.AFTollFreeNumber String[20] Secondary Phone Number : SCAddress.AFSecondaryPhone String[20] \[/code\]I need to add this to the PersonPartiesLoaderSpec.xml file and the PersonPartyData.csv fileHere is the XML File I am supposed to insert the two new fields after communciatinsMode, but I am not sure of the syntax\[code\]<source name="load_file" class="delimited_file_parser"> <property name="filename" value="${FILENAME}"/> <property name="delimiters" value=","/> <property name="headerRows" value=""/> <property name="quote_chars" value="""/> <indexed_field name="taxId" index="0"/> <indexed_field name="contactType" index="1" translator="contact_type_translator"/> <indexed_field name="street1" index="2"/> <indexed_field name="street2" index="3"/> <indexed_field name="city" index="4"/> <indexed_field name="state" index="5" translator="jurisdiction_translator"/> <indexed_field name="country" index="6" translator="country_translator"/> <indexed_field name="zipCode" index="7"/> <indexed_field name="emailAddress" index="8"/> <indexed_field name="phoneNumber" index="9"/> <indexed_field name="cellPhone" index="10"/> <indexed_field name="faxNumber" index="11"/> <indexed_field name="communicationMode" index="12" translator="communication_mode_translator"/></source>\[/code\]And then enter in the corresponding information in the PersonPartyData.csv file at the endHere is the part of the PersonPartyData.csv file that needs it to be added to, but I am not sure of the syntax\[code\]Name Prefix,First Name,Middle Name,Last Name,Preferred Name,Name Suffix,Date of Birth,Gender,SSN,Ethnicity,Role1,Role2,Contact Type,Address Line 1,Address Line 2,City,State, Country, ZipCode, Email Address,Phone Number, Cell Phone,Fax Number,Communication Mode to try first,Party Status,Status Reason,Status Start Date,Status End Date,\[/code\]I FOUND THIS THAT EXPLAINS THE INDEXED FILED IN THE LOADERSPEC.XSD FILE\[code\]<xs:complexType name="indexed_field"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> An indexed field is a field whose identity in the physical input is defined solely by it's position on the row. It extends the base field type with a new required attribute, index, which is the 0-based index of the field within the row. A good example of an indexed field's usage is within a delimited file, where fields are of various sizes, separated by a delimiter character. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="loader:field"> <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent></xs:complexType>\[/code\]AND I FOUND WHERE AFTOLLFREENUMBER AND AFSECONDARYNUMBER EXISTS IN THE AF_Schema_Mod.XML File\[code\]<!--New properties on SCAddresss --><property backpointerCollectionFlag="0" collectionTypeID="0" column="AFSecondaryPhone" comment="" containedTypeID="0" defaultValue="" externalFlag="0" isAllowNull="true" isBackpointer="false" isCustom="true" isEncrypted="false" isIndexed="false" isLazy="false" isLinked="true" isOwned="false" isPersistent="true" isPrimaryKey="false" isTranslatable="false" isVirtualLink="false" name="AFSecondaryPhone" serialization="0"> <data size="20" typeName="string"/> </property> <property backpointerCollectionFlag="0" collectionTypeID="0" column="AFTollFreeNumber" comment="" containedTypeID="0" defaultValue="" externalFlag="0" isAllowNull="true" isBackpointer="false" isCustom="true" isEncrypted="false" isIndexed="false" isLazy="false" isLinked="true" isOwned="false" isPersistent="true" isPrimaryKey="false" isTranslatable="false" isVirtualLink="false" name="AFTollFreeNumber" serialization="0"> <data size="20" typeName="string"/> </property> <!--New properties on SCAddress ends here -->\[/code\]Can Somebody please help me with how to insert this for my project????