I need a new domain and would like more hosting. Switch from


Staff member
I can't figure out how much a new domain at GoDaddy will cost. Right now I have a domain and hosting, and I ca't figure out if a new domain is $1.99/yr or $8.95/yr or what the damn prices are. I have a 5gb storage and 250gb transfer account with GoDaddy, but that was just for hosting my personal blog, now I am working on a social networking site and will need more space and a new name. I was thinking of switching to Servage, but I still have 6 months left on my GoDaddy hosting. If I cancelled, I wouldn't get my money back, would I?

Now here's the real issue: my parents. You may read this and think "ug, this guy is 12 years old and shouldn't have a website in the first place, let's ignore him". I assure you I am over 18 and in college. Problem is, my parents aren't exactly the most understanding, and think I should save every cent I get for college. Any investment in their eyes is money wasted rather than a business opportunity. I need to know exact prices and everything in stone before I present anything to them, and forget me buying it without them knowing, my mother gets my bank statements before she lets them get to me.

I am happy with GoDaddy (except that they don't allow for LOCKing SQL tables, nor do they allow for temporary table creation rights, meaning the search on my site is non functional), and haven't had many issues with them. But I can't open my site until I register the name, and I can't market the site until I register the name, and I can't register the name until I can get my parents to agree, which means I need to know exactly what is going on, draw up graphs, charts, etc comparing different prices to see which one is a better deal, even though they have no idea what is a good deal for anything computer related. Advice (besides moving far away from my parents)? Should I switch halfway through my contract with GoDaddy, or just monitor my bandwidth and storage and switch in January?