I need a HTML Feedback form


Please take a look at my feedback site: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nosferato.com">http://www.nosferato.com</a><!-- m --> -> go to the 'contact' page.<br />
This site was build in FrontPage but it doesn't work.<br />
Can anybody tell me why?<br />
Thanx!<!--content-->I tend to avoid Front Page like the plague but I'd say, from looking at the source code, that you're missing the <form> and </form> tags from around the form fields which you kinda need. ;)<!--content-->In additon to the form tags you may need a cgi/php/asp script to process your form. This is upto you! Else the visitor uses his/her default mail program to email you.<br />
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For a mail processing script go to (choose cgi or php):<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.resourceindex.com/">http://www.resourceindex.com/</a><!-- m --><!--content-->